I wasn’t sure I wanted to write a reflective blog this month as I did that back at the close of August as summer ended. However, it does feel right to look back over this year and take stock as I look forward and plan for the next.
I feel a little melancholic this afternoon and I'm finding it hard to write with my usual mix of positivity and fun. Perhaps that's fitting after the past twelve months.
The most important lesson I’ve learned this year, within the context of Hannah Kate Makes, is that I should always follow my instincts and create what feels right for me. I’ve had a few instances now when I’ve decided to create something that I felt I should rather than because I wanted to and, without fail, I haven’t enjoyed creating those things and that feeling somehow came through to my audience. Other people didn’t enjoy them either!
This has taught me that when I work on things I enjoy and that excite me creatively, more love goes into them. My artistic voice is explored and becomes clearer allowing my joy and passion to speak for itself. Other people see that too and the message continues.
An important part of finding my voice has been the members of my Patreon page. Since July my Patrons’ support has given me room to experiment and stretch my wings, play with my style and chosen genres, while still pushing me to create regularly. I am grateful for their patronage, interest in my story and what goes on behind the scenes at Hannah Kate Makes HQ as well as for their encouragement to keep growing.
Late in 2019 I backed a Kickstarter because I liked the concept of the interestingly named “Indie Roller Handbook” and accompanying membership group. It’s been one of the best investments I’ve made for Hannah Kate Makes and the friendships I’ve made within it have been a big part of keeping me going through 2020. Having a network of other Indie Biz owners to work with, lean on, lift up, collaborate and celebrate with has been a gift this year. I can’t wait to see how the community grows through 2021.
We heard a lot earlier in the year about how lockdown had forced us to slow down and live differently to how we had been. I actually found the opposite to be true with Hannah Kate Makes becoming increasingly busy as the year went on. In this household lockdown actually changed very little for us day to day, other than the heart wrenching separation from our family and friends.
Staying home has meant prolonged periods alone, save for conversations with next door’s cat, allowing more focus on work. As we tipped into September, through the Autumn and into winter days became a blur. I reached Christmas and paused for breath after running at full
speed for months. I’ve welcomed a week of calm and rest and sleep!
Reflecting on the goals I had for 2020, some were met and exceeded while others dropped as they were no longer important or even possible in a locked-down world. I’m very proud of how far I’ve come and am grateful I’ve been able to keep moving forwards.
Looking forward to a fresh year I have several goals and plans forming to help me reach them. Some I’d never have even considered when I started this journey and some that will definitely stretch me and force me out of my comfort zone even further to reach them.
I don’t believe that on the stroke of midnight tonight, the curse of 2020 will be lifted. But I do have hope that things will improve as 2021 rolls on.
Stay safe and have a very happy new year! HK x
